[testimonial author]

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In this edition we meet Jane Depledge course leader and founder of Soul Companions, a provider of End of Life Care Doula training courses. Soul Companions aim is to engage people with learning that enables them to encourage others to consider, talk about and plan death as it is a scary and lonely event.
Hi Jane! Could you tell us a little bit more about Soul Companions and what you offer your clients?
Soul Companions offers training for people wishing to give services to others who are known to be palliative and reaching the end of their life. Whilst it facilitates education and training it ultimately offers care in people’s own homes and support for families. We are known as End of Life Doulas. As a Doula myself I can also provide support to my own community. As doulas, we feel this is most important as the majority of people wish to die in their own homes. Death should not be feared; it is the unknown, not knowing what to do, being alone that causes people to be anxious. Our training disperses this and translates into practice to allow people to die with dignity, respectfully and peacefully. This stays with families and helps them with their own grief.
In three words, describe your life as a business owner?
Rewarding. Fulfilling. Controllable.
As a business owner, what has been your biggest success and what have you found most challenging?
Switching my classroom learning to Zoom because of Covid was a challenge but this has also been my biggest success.
What advice would you give other entrepreneurs who are starting out?
Believe in yourself. Don’t lose sight of your vision but be prepared to adapt. Be patient. Better to build on a solid foundation than crash and burn.
How did you start working with KC Accountancy Services, was there a reason they stood out from other accountants?
Yes, Kim came highly recommended. When I met her we gelled. She has a warm open and honest nature and I knew I could trust her not just with this business but with my portfolio of work. All too complicated for me!
Why do you think it is important to work with an accountant, how has your relationship with KC Accountancy Services benefited your business?
I’m an expert in nursing not accounting and I detest filling in forms. KC Accountancy Services keeps all my accounts which is a relief to me. An accountant means my tax returns are on time, hassle-free and accurate, so I benefit knowing I am paying only what I am required to pay.
What are your future plans for Soul Companions?
To offer training to councils, agencies and promote Doula care in the community.
Thank you Jane!
For more information on Soul Companions and the services they offer visit:
A few words from Kim…
“Jane and I started working together in 2019, Jane had moved to the area and was doing long commutes to work as a nurse. Jane was looking for an accountant she could trust and connected with, I remember during the initial consultation being so interested in Jane’s businesses and blown away by her passion for helping people. I had never met a doula before and certainly not someone who focused on end-of-life care, it is humbling to speak with Jane and hear the compassion she shares with families but also her unwavering professionalism and gentle nature when supporting families and passing her skills and knowledge to doulas-in-training through her courses.
Jane came to us and was looking for support with her limited company, sole trader business and general advice and tax planning requirements to ensure her employment income along with the income from her businesses were working in the most tax efficient way possible for her. I really enjoy being in a position where I feel like I am taking away the stress and pressure of paperwork and compliance for our clients, so they can plough all their energy into their own businesses and personal growth.
Corona-virus and national lockdowns came in to force very early into our working relationship, this did not affect how I worked with Jane, and I did all I could to ensure she was aware of any help and assistance available to her. I was very impressed at how Jane diversified her business and quickly found a way to continue operating at a reduced level. We supported as best we could and offered guidance and assistance where required.
I meet with Jane at least once a year to go through her accounts and we discuss the future for her and her plans, this is such an important element of the way we work. Allowing us access to your future business hopes and goals, means we can work effectively to put plans in place and support you to realise them as quickly as possible. It’s also a great opportunity for a coffee and catch up, which I love doing with all clients.
I look forward to continuing working with Jane, her passion for what she does is inspirational, and I wish her continued success with all her hopes and goals!”
If you would like more information about our services, or if you are a current client and would like to be featured in a future edition of Client Focus, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team:
Tel: 01691 674792
To view the full interview in PDF, please click here.
[testimonial author]
Rated 5.0 on Quickbooks ProAdvistor
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