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One thing all business owners struggle with is managing to get their work life balance just right. This can be particularly difficult when you’re first starting out in business as you have to invest much more time and effort into getting your business off the ground.
Growing a business can put a strain on relationships and your social life. It’s important you manage your time better in order to ensure your personal life and health aren’t affected negatively.
Achieving a healthy work-life balance is essential for maintaining your physical and mental health, as well as ensuring your overall quality of life. Here are some tips to help you achieve a better work-life balance:
Set Boundaries
Establish clear boundaries between work and personal time. Define specific working hours and avoid checking work-related emails or messages outside of those hours. This is easier said than done but anything non urgent can wait. It’s important to set boundaries with your clients so that they know you cannot be contacted outside your working hours unless there is an emergency. Let them know they are more than welcome to email you or message you any time of day but not to expect a response until you’re back at your desk.
You may find that if you respond out of hours, then they will always expect this. So avoid replying unless it’s really necessary.
Set yourself a to-do list each day. This can be done pen on paper, or you can use time management software such as Trello or Asana. This will help you to prioritise your tasks and manage your time more efficiently. If there’s jobs that can wait then don’t feel you need to get them done ASAP. There’s only so many hours in a day so don’t over commit yourself. Not only is it not good for your stress levels but overworking yourself can have an impact on your health and personal life.
Learn to say No
If you’re like me you’re a ‘yes’ person. However, saying yes all the time means you’re taking on too much. Let your clients know that the job can be done but the deadline may have to be slightly longer. The majority of the time they will understand this.
Power of delegation
It can be hard to let go but delegation is key to getting the perfect work life balance, especially if you’re wanting to grow your business. Make a list of everything you do and if an activity doesn’t require your expertise then show someone else how to do it. You may think you can just do it quicker yourself, which you probably can. But once you’ve shown someone how to do it, you then have the time to invest elsewhere in your business or give yourself free time back for family and friends. Tasks may only take a few minutes, but when there’s a number of them, they all mount up! Time is precious.
Use Automation
Over the years technology has developed significantly. There are lots of ways to automate your processes. A little automation can make a huge difference in your productivity and free up your time. Just be careful not to over automate, keep the personal touch.
Take breaks
Take regular breaks throughout your working day. Don’t be chained to your desk. Taking regular breaks will increase your productivity and boost your concentration levels. Try your best to get out in the fresh air. Fresh air increases your oxygen levels to your brain meaning you have a clearer mind.
If your finances allow, book a holiday. Having some down time to relax and recharge will give you a better perspective on your business. It also means you get to spend more time with family and friends. Great for your mental health and securing those relationships.
I’ve just returned from holiday. I’ve spent time with my family and now have a new lease of life. I’m feeling much more motivated and have new ideas for my business.
Get organised
If your business has set processes in place it can run without you. Write down or create Looms of processes so that these can be handed over in your absence.
Make sure your workspace is clear and tidy, an untidy desk will mean you find it harder to concentrate. Tidy desk, clear mind.
Use online calendars for both your work and personal life, share them with your family and friends so it’s easy to get dates in place to socialise.
Use time blocking to block out time from your day for self care, such as a daily walk, a trip to the gym. Exercise will boost your energy levels.
Get enough sleep
Make sure you’re getting enough sleep. If you have too much on your mind it will be difficult to sleep. Avoid using electronic devices before bedtime and make sure your bedroom has a relaxed vibe. Go to bed at a reasonable time and get up early. Getting up earlier in the morning will give you greater motivation for the day ahead.
Remember that work-life balance is unique to each individual. It’s important to find a balance that aligns with your values, goals, and responsibilities. Striving for balance can lead to increased well-being, higher job satisfaction, and improved overall quality of life.
Regularly assess your work-life balance and make adjustments as needed. Your needs and priorities may change over time.
[testimonial author]
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